Numerical Innovations - Help Center
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Knowledge base
I have forgotten my activation code and/or password. How do I retrieve it?
Download upgrades with Numerical Cloud Subscription - FAB or ACE license?
What is the cost of your software?
I tried to download the PCB Preflight Free Viewer but it does not work, browser keeps showing "Redirecting".
Where can I request a Free Trial?
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Getting Started
Getting Started with FAB 3000
Getting Started with ACE 3000
Manage Your License
Activation Code
Activation Code Center - Instantly Find and Retrieve your Activation Code
I have forgotten my activation code and/or password. How do I retrieve it?
How do I move to another computer?
What is “lockout” mode?
Will your software still work if I upgrade my hardware or move it to a new computer?
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Activation Code (Multi-User)
How do I change Activation Code password, Email, or delete a user?
What is Multi-User Activation Code?
How do I install and activate a multi-user activation code for FAB 3000?
How do I install and activate a multi-user activation code for ACE Translator 3000?
How do I install and activate a multi-user activation code for EasyGerb?
View all 6
Activation Code (Floating License)
I am interested in a Floating license (without Flexnet)
FlexNet (Floating)
FAB 3000 - Network Installation Setup
ACE 3000 - Network Installation Setup
I already have a flexlm running other applications on our server. Can I incorporate that existing service?
What is the oldest version of Flexlm that I can use with your software tools?
How do I check the license server status using LMTOOLS?
View all 28