Here's more information about the FAB 3000 Selection Filter: (make selection filter persistent) (using selection filter Wildcards *) (using selection filter numerical operators)
Numerical Support Team
trace width relative to the pad/via. However, we usually ground fill
our board and our cad program does this fill with the same trace size as
normal signals. End result is I have to select only those signal
pads/vias (not the ground vias attached to the ground fill traces). So
I use the selection filter and type in the DCODE of the pad/vias I want.
Then I "select all" and those vias are then selected. Then I run the
teardrop command. Now, the above is done one layer at a time, so I
select another layer, and go to run teardrops again, but the selection
filter is gone. So I have to repeatedly enter in the selection filter,
then "select all".
Is this the way the selection filter works (ie. Automatically erases