There are 3 types of Name Filter Parameters: Parameters with Math operators, standard Parameters, and Attributes.
1. Parameters (with Math operators):
Requires a math operator.
WIDTH The horizontal (X) extents of an object. Shortcut: W or X
HEIGHT The vertical (Y) extents of an object. Shortcut: H or Y
THICKNESS The distance in the Z direction. Positive thickness extends upward in the positive Z direction; negative thickness extends downward in the negative Z direction. Shortcut: T or Z
ROTATE Angle in degrees (0-360). Shortcut: R
5 available Math operators:
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
= equal to
Select rectangle pads with a width <= 0.025 inches would appear in the "Apertures/Shapes" name Filter as: Rectangle,width<=0.025
MIRROR Determines if object has been mirrored. Used for objects such as: Components, Inserts, Text.
SIDE Determines if object references side: TOP, BOTTOM, or BOTH. Used for objects such as: Test points, Components.
NET Determines if object references Net name. Shortcut: N
REFDES Determines if object references a Reference Designator. Shortcut: RD or REF
PIN Determines if object references pin number or name.
PARTNUMBER Determine if Component references Part Number Shortcut: PART or PN
PACKAGE Determines if Component Package references a Package Name Shortcut: PACK or PKG
PADSTACK Determines if objects references a Pad Stack.
mirror (locate objects that are mirrored)
mirror=v (locate objects that are mirrored vertically - about X-axis)
mirror=h (locate objects that are mirrored horizontally - about Y-axis)
side=top (locate objects that are referenced to the Top side - like Test Points)
net=CLR_3ddr (locate objects with the specific net CLR_3ddr)
net=gnd*_1 (locate objects with net that matches the wildcard pattern).
refdes=c12 (locate component with reference designator c12)
refdes=u2* (locate components that matches the wildcard pattern).
pin=22 (locate objects referencing pin 22).
3. Attributes:
Attributes are defined by pair NAME:VALUE and are not case sensitive. Note: Not all objects have attributes. To view attributes available for any object, select the object, go to menu: Edit | Properties..., and select tab "Attributes".
To select only objects with attribute name .smd and also attribute name mycolor with a value of "blue" Ex .smd;mycolor:blue
Simon Garrison
Both Smart Find and Smart Filter permit you to use Name filters to help pinpoint any object in the active design.
There are 3 types of Name Filter Parameters: Parameters with Math operators, standard Parameters, and Attributes.
1. Parameters (with Math operators):
Requires a math operator.
5 available Math operators:
2. Parameters (standard):
Some standard parameters may only available for certain Name Filters. Standard parameters use the equals operator. Wildcards(*) are acceptable for standard Parameters.
3. Attributes:
Attributes are defined by pair NAME:VALUE and are not case sensitive. Note: Not all objects have attributes. To view attributes available for any object, select the object, go to menu: Edit | Properties..., and select tab "Attributes".
To select only objects with attribute name .smd and also attribute name mycolor with a value of "blue" Ex .smd;mycolor:blue