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I have an evaluation copy of FAB 3000. I was hoping I could use it to remove traces that pass thru or end at a pad.

I have an evaluation copy of FAB 3000. I was hoping I could use it to remove traces that pass thru or end at a pad. I want to keep the center of the pad clear so that it can serve as a center mark for drilling of prototype boards. Is there a way to do this? Thank you

Here's more information about composite layers (which should help understanding how they are used):

I came up with a real easy solution - assuming you have the "Drill File".

Just use the command "Build Composite".  See my quick tutorial link below (no sound):
1. Load Gerbers and Drill.
2. Using command "Build Composite" create a new layer which is the Gerber layer minus the drill layer. It will create a new layer which uses Top Layer (or whatever you select) minus Drill..

Best regards,
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