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I am having trouble understanding the panel area. I know how to generate a panel. My problem is the math does not seem to work out.

I am having trouble understanding the panel area. I know how to generate a panel. My problem is the math does not seem to work out.
I have a board that is x= 2.80 in, Y=1.80 in
I want a 0.20 in boarder around the boards
I want 4 board in the panel. X=2, Y=2
If I do the math my panel size should be X=.2+2.8+2.8+.2 (6.0 in), Y=.2+1.8+1.8+.2 (4.0 in)
When I add the panel with 0.0 job spacing it does not fit.
 The math works out, this is how I create panels in Altium Designer. It would appear that FAB300 is aligning the boards the outside edge of the boarder layer line instead of the center of the line creating this problem. The board dimensions are from the center of the line, not the edge of the line. I have found a work around, I can using the Edit Inserts… tool fix this by typing in the correct coordinates for each board. Is there a way to get the auto paneling feature to do what I need?

Thanks for contacting us.  I have two suggestions:

1.  Please make sure you have defined a boarder layer for each job that will be included in the panel.  Without it FAB 3000 must use the overall extents for each job.   Here's a forum post that may be helpful

2.  Feel free to save and send me a sample FAB 3000 workspace file (*.wrk).  I'll be happy to take a look and instantly determine the cause of any problem.

Please note, the above links have been updated. Please use the links below.

FAB 3000 Panelize - Full Video

Panelize Gerber files from Eagle PCB using FAB 3000

FAB 3000 Panelize Single and Multiple PCBs. Save 33% Costs.

FAB 3000 Matrix to automatically panelize from a single import.

Need to Panelize 40 different PCB's at once. Can you help? (includes Manual Placement (Snap and Add Insert)

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