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Switching Units in DFM

When I open the DFM Rules Setting screen and switch Units from Mils to Millimeters, and then run a new DFM the "error list" still comes out in Mils. That is the violation and minimum clearance for example shows in Mils.

So I did a Save As to create a new rules file, verified again i had selected Millimeters, and verified the DFM was calling up my design rules file, and the output is still all in Mils in the report.

So I put the setting back to Mils and reran - it didn't change anything. The report looked the same.

So in the end does changing that setting only effect the rules setup and not the report? Would like to have the report in metric.

1 Comment

Thanks for your question. 

  • To get Millimeters throughout while using FAB3000 (including when dfm errors, etc.), go to menu:   View > Units >  millimeter
  • To make units change permanent go to menu:  View > Units > Make Permanent... and select Millimeters.

Note:  You can also permanent change the Units in the FAB3000 Options.  Menu:  Setup > Options...

Best regards,


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