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How can I display Ghost Parts (a component without PN) in my Assembly drawings?

You may include Ghost parts in your assembly drawing (i.e components without PN are essentially  grayed out).   

Note:  FAB 3000 allows you to determine how to process Components without part numbers.  The default is: Do Not Install (IGNORE) 

  1. Go to menu:  Assembly >  Assembly Documents (PDF)...
  2. Press button Document Options...
  3. Find Components without Part Numbers, and select option:  Install (as Ghost Part)
  4. Press OK.

Now when exporting your assembly documents any Ghost Parts will be grayed out.

Optional: Ghost Part Color 

You may assign the Ghost Part Color, by performing the following:

  1. Press button Step Colors.
  2. Assign the first color item, which is the Ghost Part Color.
  3. Press OK, and any Ghost parts will use this color.

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