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Plated Slots doesn't seem to be exporting properly. Is this a bug, or something I'm doing wrong?

One layer: plated_route.gbr doesn't seem to be exporting properly. The job has four small plated slots, and I can see their list of points in the job editor. However, when I export the panel, there are no X/Y coordinates in the resultant file for that layer. Is this a bug, or something I'm doing wrong? I've attached the most recent version of my workspace. 

Thanks for your question. 

  • The board shop cannot use the objects from: plated_route.gbr because there's no NC data included (i.e. tool diameter, slot starting-point and end-point).  I'm not sure why PCB cad tools commonly include outlines only for slots because it doesn't the PCB manufacturer can't use the outline; thus CAM software is required to recreate an actual slot and then export it to NC file.

  • When exporting NC Drill or Rout and the resulting file has empty or missing NC objects; means the objects have not been properly defined with NC attributes (like Tool size, feed, speed, etc).  When viewing your workspace file, all I see for each slot is 2 outlined arcs and lines - drawn with 2 mil traces.  

Best regards,


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