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Is it possible to generate a new ODB++ with the “Package names” edited without empty spaces? Can let me know how to accomplish this?

Please try any of the following:

1. For best results and compatibility - renaming (i.e removing spaces, etc.) package names from the original sourced files in CAD, will ensure all software tools and Manufacturing/Assembly equipment all reference the exact same Package name - during the entire PCB fabrication process.  

2. Edit Package names in FAB3000 - All Package names may be edited before exporting, by going to Component Package Browser (menu: Assembly | Package Browser...).  Select any Package name, Edit Package Name, and press button Enter to update.

Note: We can automatically remove characters in Package Names (like spaces and other characters) during ODB++ export.  However implementing automated name changes like this, will change all package name references throughout the entire ODB++ design; plus additional validations to ensure the newly renamed Package names do not conflict with other existing package names (that were not changed).

For example just eliminate the Package name spaces, so JSH ULT 10-pin  now becomes JSHULT10-pin in the ODB++

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