How to quickly View and Compare differences between two ODB++ files?
Simon Garrison
started a topic
6 months ago
To quickly view differences between two ODB++ files, please perform the following:
Go to menu: File | Import | ODB++, and select the first ODB++ to compare. Review any options and press Next to begin Import.
Repeat Step#1 and import the second ODB++
Check menu: Tools | Compare | Superimpose Jobs..., review options and press OK.
View and compare differences:
Turn on any layers to wish to company (between the two ODB++), and any differences will be visible. Here's a quick tutorial movie (less than a minute) demonstrating how to view the differences between two ODB++ files,
Simon Garrison
To quickly view differences between two ODB++ files, please perform the following:
View and compare differences:
Turn on any layers to wish to company (between the two ODB++), and any differences will be visible. Here's a quick tutorial movie (less than a minute) demonstrating how to view the differences between two ODB++ files,