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Merge ODB++, X2 Gerber files.

I was able to import 2 different ODB++ files and pick all the layers from the first ODB++ file and only the component (top and bottom) layers from the second ODB++ file.  However, FAB3000 seems to open them as 2 distinct “jobs” which seem to correspond to the “step” name they had in their respective ODB++ files.  I can export all of the layers together into a single new ODB++, but they still retain their distinct “step” names from before, so this seems to cause them to be still treated as 2 separate designs by other tools.  Can I change the “step” or “job” name of imported layers, so that all layers will export to a new ODB++ file as a single “step”?


You're correct when FAB3000 imports multiple ODB++ files it will keep them separated.  The most common reason for the separation, is for people who wish to compare differences between ODB++ files.

Note:  During ODB++ Export you can select to only have one Job exported to the ODB++ (default) or all Jobs in the workspace by selecting Workspace.

Note:  You can rename the active Job name (however duplicate Job names is not permitted - if you were solely interested in merging both Jobs).


It appears from the description you may be interested in opening 2 separate ODB++ files and then merging certain features into an ODB++? If this is the case, you can perform the following:

    1. Load both ODB++ into FAB3000.  I will assign names JobA and JobB.

    2. You can copy/paste objects from one Job to another by using the Clipboard.

        * Select Objects from JobB that you wish to be merged in JobA.

        * Go to menu:  Edit | Clipboard | Copy to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)...

        * Open JobA, and go to menu:  Edit | Clipboard | Paste (Ctrl+V)...

            This will merge the JobB Clipboard objects with JobA.

    3. Export ODB++.  Make sure export option, Select Job or Workspace is:  JobA

Now when you open the ODB++ in another tool, only JobA will be present and includes the merged objects.

Here's a quick video (no sound) where I load two ODB++ files,  merge Silkscreen "PCB"  text from one ODB++ to the other, and export merged ODB++,   

Note:  You could alternatively create an empty 3rd Job (JobC) , and then insert JobA and JobB into JobC (using menu: Job | Add Insert).

If you require something else, please describe what you are trying to accomplish as "the end result purpose" - and I'll be happy to create a tutorial movie demonstrating the process.  For example, if you wish to just merge everything (after importing multiple ODB++) we can create a special import option to merge ODB++ designs instead of keeping them separate.

Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


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