If you believe it's something different, please contact us with any changes that may have occurred on your system (new Windows version, new firewall, anti-virus, etc.).
A few generic suggestions:
1. Right-Click FAB3000 icon, and select "Run as Administrator"...
2. Try a re-install to see if that resolves any issues.
Simon Garrison
I am assuming FAB3000 was working fine previously, and now you are receiving that message? If yes, there may be some external anti-virus/firewall that things FAB3000 is a virus and prevents it from executing. https://support.numericalinnovations.com/support/discussions/topics/14000018172
If you believe it's something different, please contact us with any changes that may have occurred on your system (new Windows version, new firewall, anti-virus, etc.).
A few generic suggestions:
1. Right-Click FAB3000 icon, and select "Run as Administrator"...
2. Try a re-install to see if that resolves any issues.
Thanks again.
Best regards,