Generates an electrical interconnectivity map from manufacturing files (i.e Gerber, NC, ODB++). Used for various purposes such as net comparison, analysis, and reverse engineering.
Note: Netlist Extraction creates CAM nets which are prefixed with $ (i.e $Net00...)
Use Border Extents (Improves Performance): Prevent assigning nets to objects outside the PCB Border area. Default: Yes
No: Entire Design extents are used.
Yes: A border layer must be defined. If not, design extents are used.
Required: Prompt user if a border layer is not defined.
Assign Single Point Nets: Single point nets (no connection n/c) are typically not required. Default: No
No: Ignore Single point Nets.
CAM Net: CAM Net: Assign as CAM Nets ($...).
N/C (No Connection): Assign as N/C (No Connection).
Allow Nets without Pads: Assign nets for traces/polygons without pads or drill. If checked, may falsely assign nets to TEXT objects on metal layers. Default: Unchecked
Optimize Complex Polygon Planes: Optimizes complex planes consisting of polygons. Only needed if slow performance with complex planes. Default: Unchecked
Simon Garrison
Generates an electrical interconnectivity map from manufacturing files (i.e Gerber, NC, ODB++). Used for various purposes such as net comparison, analysis, and reverse engineering.
Note: Netlist Extraction creates CAM nets which are prefixed with $ (i.e $Net00...)
Use Border Extents (Improves Performance): Prevent assigning nets to objects outside the PCB Border area. Default: Yes
Assign Single Point Nets: Single point nets (no connection n/c) are typically not required. Default: No
Allow Nets without Pads: Assign nets for traces/polygons without pads or drill. If checked, may falsely assign nets to TEXT objects on metal layers. Default: Unchecked
Optimize Complex Polygon Planes: Optimizes complex planes consisting of polygons. Only needed if slow performance with complex planes. Default: Unchecked