I wish to automate using FAB 3000. What are the Command Line Parameters?
Simon Garrison
started a topic
about 6 years ago
FAB 3000 can be run directly from the command line which allows users to automate many features such as DFM Checks, Panelization and more.
-hideandexit Minimize the FAB 3000 editor and Exit when done. Allows FAB 3000 to perform exactly as a command-line tool without GUI.
Example Usage: -hideandexit
-reset Restores all FAB 3000 settings back to factory defaults. Restart FAB 3000 again for changes to take place. Note: Can be useful if an incorrect settings value was assigned preventing FAB 3000 from starting properly (like temporary folders, numerical cloud path, etc.). This will allow FAB 3000 to start again using factory defaults.
Example Usage: -reset
-import_matrixfile=[FILE PATH] Loads and executes a Matrix file. The Matrix file can perform many tasks. File Path should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -import_matrixfile="C:\My Folder\MySampleMatrix.fm6"
-import_odb_file=[FILE PATH] Imports an ODB++ into FAB 3000. File Path should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -import_odb_file="C:\My Folder\MySampleODB.tgz"
-autoload=[FOLDER] Imports all files (such as Gerber, NC, Netlist, etc.) in a folder. Folder should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -autoload="C:\My Folder\MySampleDesign"
-newjob=[JOB NAME] Name of Job to be created. Job Name should be in quotes. If the Job Name already exists, it will become active.
Example Usage: -newjob="MyNewJob"
-setactive=[JOB NAME] Name of Job to make Active. Job Name should be in quotes. If the Job Name doesn't exists, it will be created.
Example Usage: -setactive="Design345"
-autogenerate_border Allow FAB 3000 to create the border layer automatically - assuming the Gerber files have the outline defined on multiple layers.
Example Usage: -autogenerate_border
-dfmcheck_run Perform DFM Check using the default DFM Rules set. The Default DFM Rules set is the last previously used or "Standard PCB".
Note: You can assign the default DFM Rules set, by starting FAB 3000 and going to DFM Rules (menu: Tools / DFM / DFM Rules Management).
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run
-dfmcheck_run=[DFM Rules File] Perform DFM Check using the assigned DFM Rules file (*.drf). Without an explicit file path, FAB 3000 will check the DFM folder (located in the FAB 3000 installation path).
Note: You can view or create your own DFM Rules file, by starting FAB 3000 and going to DFM Rules (menu: Tools / DFM / DFM Rules Management).
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run="Assembly_Progear.drf"
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run="C:\MyDFMRules\Assembly_Progear.drf"
-report_dfm=[REPORT FILE and/or EMAIL Address] Generates a report after performing a DFM Check. If report file extension is pdf a PDF file will be generated. If report file extension is xls an Excel file will be generated. If report file extension istxt a Text file will be generated. If report file extension is csv a CSV file will be generated. If an email is provided, the report will be email.
Note: Report File and/or Email address can be comma separated so you can generate multiple report formats and have it emailed. Multiple Email address can be added, as long as their comma separated.
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.pdf" (Generates a PDF file Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.xls" (Generates an Excel file Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.txt" (Generates a Text Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.csv" (Generates a CSV Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.pdf,[email protected]" (Generates a PDF file Report and also emails to [email protected])
Example Usage: -report_dfm (Generates a temporary PDF report to be used with another command like -report_send_email)
-report_send_email=[Email Address] Emails an existing report file. Can be comma separated for multiple recipients.
Description: Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills from the assigned folder. Detects Border Layer. Then performs DFM Check (using default DFM Rules) and generates a PDF report file.
Description: Runs minimized and then exits after completion. Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills in the assigned folder. Then performs DFM Check (using a custom DFM Rules file) and generates a PDF report file.
Description: Runs minimized and then exits. Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills in the assigned folder. Then performs DFM Check (using default DFM Rules) and generates a PDF report file. Lastly emails the results to 2 email addresses.
Simon Garrison
FAB 3000 can be run directly from the command line which allows users to automate many features such as DFM Checks, Panelization and more.
-hideandexit Minimize the FAB 3000 editor and Exit when done. Allows FAB 3000 to perform exactly as a command-line tool without GUI.
Example Usage: -hideandexit
-reset Restores all FAB 3000 settings back to factory defaults. Restart FAB 3000 again for changes to take place. Note: Can be useful if an incorrect settings value was assigned preventing FAB 3000 from starting properly (like temporary folders, numerical cloud path, etc.). This will allow FAB 3000 to start again using factory defaults.
Example Usage: -reset
-import_matrixfile=[FILE PATH] Loads and executes a Matrix file. The Matrix file can perform many tasks. File Path should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -import_matrixfile="C:\My Folder\MySampleMatrix.fm6"
-import_odb_file=[FILE PATH] Imports an ODB++ into FAB 3000. File Path should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -import_odb_file="C:\My Folder\MySampleODB.tgz"
-autoload=[FOLDER] Imports all files (such as Gerber, NC, Netlist, etc.) in a folder. Folder should be in quotes.
Example Usage: -autoload="C:\My Folder\MySampleDesign"
-newjob=[JOB NAME] Name of Job to be created. Job Name should be in quotes. If the Job Name already exists, it will become active.
Example Usage: -newjob="MyNewJob"
-setactive=[JOB NAME] Name of Job to make Active. Job Name should be in quotes. If the Job Name doesn't exists, it will be created.
Example Usage: -setactive="Design345"
-autogenerate_border Allow FAB 3000 to create the border layer automatically - assuming the Gerber files have the outline defined on multiple layers.
Example Usage: -autogenerate_border
-dfmcheck_run Perform DFM Check using the default DFM Rules set. The Default DFM Rules set is the last previously used or "Standard PCB".
Note: You can assign the default DFM Rules set, by starting FAB 3000 and going to DFM Rules (menu: Tools / DFM / DFM Rules Management).
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run
-dfmcheck_run=[DFM Rules File] Perform DFM Check using the assigned DFM Rules file (*.drf). Without an explicit file path, FAB 3000 will check the DFM folder (located in the FAB 3000 installation path).
Note: You can view or create your own DFM Rules file, by starting FAB 3000 and going to DFM Rules (menu: Tools / DFM / DFM Rules Management).
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run="Assembly_Progear.drf"
Example Usage: -dfmcheck_run="C:\MyDFMRules\Assembly_Progear.drf"
-report_dfm=[REPORT FILE and/or EMAIL Address] Generates a report after performing a DFM Check. If report file extension is pdf a PDF file will be generated. If report file extension is xls an Excel file will be generated. If report file extension is txt a Text file will be generated. If report file extension is csv a CSV file will be generated. If an email is provided, the report will be email.
Note: Report File and/or Email address can be comma separated so you can generate multiple report formats and have it emailed. Multiple Email address can be added, as long as their comma separated.
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.pdf" (Generates a PDF file Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.xls" (Generates an Excel file Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.txt" (Generates a Text Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.csv" (Generates a CSV Report)
Example Usage: -report_dfm="C:\MyReports\DFMResult3-22.pdf,[email protected]" (Generates a PDF file Report and also emails to [email protected])
Example Usage: -report_dfm (Generates a temporary PDF report to be used with another command like -report_send_email)
-report_send_email=[Email Address] Emails an existing report file. Can be comma separated for multiple recipients.
-report_send_email="[email protected]"
-report_units=[Units Value] Determine the units to use when generating a report. Default is inch. Choose from: millimeter, inch, mil
Sample Command Line Arguments:
Description: Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills from the assigned folder.
FAB3000-V8.exe -newjob="myjob" -autoload="C:/Numerical Innovations/Fab3000V8/examples/Board1"
Description: Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills from the assigned folder. Detects Border Layer. Then performs DFM Check (using default DFM Rules) and generates a PDF report file.
FAB3000-V8.exe -newjob="myjob" -autoload="C:/Numerical Innovations/Fab3000V8/examples/Board1" -autogenerate_border -dfmcheck_run -report_dfm="C:/Support/myDFMcheck.pdf"
Note: Here's the resulting PDF report file after running the command line above, https://numericalsoftware-update.s3.amazonaws.com/myDFMcheck.pdf
Description: Runs minimized and then exits after completion. Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills in the assigned folder. Then performs DFM Check (using a custom DFM Rules file) and generates a PDF report file.
FAB3000-V8.exe -hideandexit -newjob="myjob" -autoload="C:/Numerical Innovations/Fab3000V8/examples/Board1" -dfmcheck_run="My Assembly Rules.drf" -report_dfm="C:/Support/myDFMcheck.pdf"
Description: Runs minimized and then exits. Automatically loads all Gerber, Drills in the assigned folder. Then performs DFM Check (using default DFM Rules) and generates a PDF report file. Lastly emails the results to 2 email addresses.
FAB3000-V8.exe -hideandexit -newjob="myjob" -autoload="C:/Numerical Innovations/Fab3000V8/examples/Board1" -dfmcheck_run -report_dfm="C:/Support/myDFMcheck.pdf" -report_dfm="[email protected],[email protected]"
Run sample Matrix file to create a panel with multiple PCB designs and test coupons - incorporating the matrix file allows for easy automation.
FAB3000-V8.exe -newjob="myjob" -import_matrixfile="C:/Numerical Innovations/Fab3000V8/examples/CreatePanelEmbeddedMatrixandJob.fm6"