This link leads me to a login prompt. After I log in, I'm left at the login prompt. If click on the link again after login, it takes me to a login prompt.
Try this link Tom, then look for your post.
Hi Grant, There are a few ways to change the fields on Gerber files. The easiest way in FAB is to define the files to want to convert from negative to positive as negative planes in the layer table - regardless of what the layer actually is. Next click "Fabrication / Convert Negative Plane. (This of course works the other way too > positive to negative.)
That should do it. Don't forget to go back into the layer table and change your files to the correct type. See attached. Best regards, Danny
Hi Tom,
I don't know if that answered your question.
Send me a screen shot of what you're trying to accomplish and I'll help if I can.
What I want is a negative of image 2. I assumed that if I checked the neg checkbox on gerber export I would get that, but I don't. I get image 1.
I'll try your suggestion above.
Hi Tom,
Can you send me the Gerber file you're working with?
Tom Veik
I created a 4x4 array in Fab3000 then exported to Gerber with the negative option checked.
The problem I'm having is that the gerber file isn't properly negative. It's only negative within the area of the individual element areas and not in the area between the arrayed elements.
How do I fix this.