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How can I change the workspace tab name?


How can I change the workspace tab name?

I can't see such option under right mouse button context menu.


Hello Mariusz,

Thanks for your question.  Version 8 is a significant update, and we're working everyday to finalize it.  Here's some benefits of V8:

  • Up to 20X faster DFM Checks (by using advanced CPU optimization).
  • Python and Perl API's for automation/script building.
  • A full Stackup visualizer.
  • A Universal Stackup converter for both Rigid and Flex PCB's.
  • Improved PCB Panelizer.
  • Improved User Interface.
  • Embedded Cloud Storage and Workspace file sharing.
  • And much more.

FAB 3000 V8 will definitely be ready in the next few months or sooner, and we'll contact you immediately when it's available.

Thanks again, and please let me know if you have any other questions or comments.

Best regards,


Is version 8 already introduced / when planned?

Best regards

Mariusz Ciszewski

Thanks for your question.  Currently the tabs cannot be renamed. Renaming of tabs will be available with version 8.

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