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I’m in the process of transitioning from one laptop to another at the direction of our IT department.

I only have ‘admin’ rights through this week, so I can wait 24 hrs to switch license activation. I didn’t see the option of download FAB3000 if you already have a license, so I downloaded it like I was a new customer.


Can I just disable one and activate the other within a few hours?


I remember that you need the mac address or something from the new computer. Which one? This laptop has a Ethernet adapter local, Ethernet adapter-bluetooth, wireless lan, and three “Tunnel adapters” (whatever they are). All have MAC addresses.


1 Comment

1.  If you have an activation code (typically 20 to 28 alphanumeric characters), please perform the following:

Note: The 24 hours wait is simply a general recommendation.  You can perform those tasks immediately, and should be fine.

2.  If you have a Flexnet License Key, than that license cannot be transferred.  If you're a customer with maintenance, we would be happy to generate a new license key.  To generate the new License key, we require your new computer HOSTID and fill out the following form:

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