Hi Simon
I have a question about "Search Tolerance".
If the value of search tolerance is more then 0.1mm (for 402 components), the new generated pad apertures can't match with old pads aparetures exactly.
how can we define this value? can you explain "search tolerance" with detail?
Simon Garrison
Apply To:
The primary benefit of Draw to Flash is not just to convert 1 draw to flash, but to seek and search for all similar draws and convert them to flashes.
You have several options to choose from:
Selection: If you only wish to convert your selected objects to Flashes.
All (90 Degree Search): Will search all ON layers, using 90 degree detection logic. This is the fastest of the searches because it only checks for draws that are similar with 90 degree increment rotations.
All (1 Degree Search): Will search all ON layers, using 1 degree detection logic.
All (0.5 Degree Search): Will search all ON layers, using 0.5 degree detection logic.
All (0.1 Degree Search): Will search all ON layers, using 0.1 degree detection logic.
Search Tolerance:
When using Apply To All (Degree), this allows FAB 3000 to use a tolerance to determine matches.