Select All & Deselect All check boxes are very helpful to have in FAB 3000 checklists. Especially when there are heaps of gerber files in one opened job and user wants to export only couple of layers.
FAB 3000 selects all the gerber files by deault and user has to deselect the unwanted files one by one. It is more sufficient to have the Select All / Deselect All check box for future updates.
That was the only way that I didn't try. Thanks for your quick reply
Numerical Support Team
almost 14 years ago
Good Question.
To select all or Deselect all, simply move your mouse over the column than contains all the "Check boxes" and Right-Click. This will toggle all check boxes Selected or De-Selected.
FAB 3000 selects all the gerber files by deault and user has to deselect the unwanted files one by one. It is more sufficient to have the Select All / Deselect All check box for future updates.