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I have a board with parts on the bottom side. How do you flip the board so the parts are on the top side so I can export the centroid file.

I have a board with parts on the bottom side. How do you flip the board so the parts are on the top side so I can export the centroid file. Could the answer to my question be to flip the board horizontally?

Thanks for your question.  To extract components on the bottom side (for centroid generation) use the following:

1. Go to your "Job" (i.e. 1UP PCB).  Click tab "MH007B_Single".

2. Go to command: Backside  (check menu: View / Backside).

3. Extract Centroids (menu: Assembly / Build Components...)

4. When finished, restore Backside (uncheck menu: View / Backside).

5. Export Centroid File (menu: File / Export / Centroid File...)

Here's a quick tutorial showing how to perform those steps:


Best regards,

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