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It looks good when I add text and save on Fab3000 job but when I export files in dxf the top text is overlapped with bottom.

I have successfully edited and deleted parts of board number I wanted however I had to left click mouse button and chose “move” for heighted text to move. I then needed to add text on top of my other text as described below. It looks good when I add text and save on Fab3000 job but when I export files in dxf the top text is overlapped with bottom. I followed number 3 below to add text.
Example: J12345-000 (original silkscreen text from agency that sent us Gerber files). I added PWB on top J12345-000 Looks good on Gerber editor but when I export it to DXF file it over laps and “PWB” text is thinner.
1 Comment

Thanks for your information.  During DXF Export there are several options, try changing "Output Text As" Explode.

Let me know if that helps.

Best regards,

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