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I received a gerber that has a lot of other documentation. How do i remove all the extra documentation?

1) I received a gerber that has a lot of other documentation. How do i remove all the extra documentation? Do i need to to ?
2) can i select all the parts to a component and group them together so every time i want to move that component all parts move also?
3) How do i create an extra trace?
I am trying to view some of your videos and read up but I need to finish it soon.
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Thanks for contacting support.  Always feel free to send us any sample Gerber and I'll be happy to create a tutorial movie showing exactly how to perform all steps.

1) I received a gerber that has a lot of other documentation. How do i remove all the extra documentation?

To remove any extra documentation on your Gerber (such as title blocks, logos, etc.) using FAB 3000, perform the following:
1. Select the objects you want to delete.
2.  Press key "Delete", or go to menu:  Edit / Delete

Do i need to to ?

It depends.  Some PCB fabrications will be happy to clean those features off your Gerber files, while others require you to provide them with just the data that will be used to manufacture the PCB -- it's really up to who you choose.

2) can i select all the parts to a component and group them together so every time i want to move that component all parts move also?

Yes.  Select the objects you wish to Group and then go to menu:  Edit / Group

Those objects will now always be grouped together. 

Note:  If later you wish to "Ungroup" than select the Group and go to menu:  Edit / UnGroup

3) How do i create an extra trace?

1.  Using the mouse select an existing trace that has the width you wish to use. 

Note:  By selecting an existing trace on your Gerbers FAB 3000 which change it's current Dcode state to match the trace you select.

2.  Go to menu:  Add / Trace...

3.  Pick points or type in location for Trace points.

Note:  Using Object snap is also a very useful feature.  See menu:  View / Snap

Let me know if that helps.

Best regards,

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