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FAB 3000 could realize a problem if I intentionally make small gap, but it is not helpful. Please help me.

I have a question about DFM setting. Before, accidentally I did overwrapping (connecting) the copper and signal. So it mean short signal and GND. PADS could not realize the problem, also current FAB3000 DFM setting too. FAB 3000 could realize a problem if I intentionally make small gap, but it is not helpful. Currently I am using default DFM setting, so I guess there is a way to find the problem with setting.
Please help me.
1 Comment

Thank you so much for providing a sample Gerber files.

Top_Original.pho -- DFM Check will not find this error because there is no gap. It becomes part of your Ground Net.  To detect this short with FAB 3000 please perform the following:

1. Export a netlist file from PADS (IPC-D-356).
2. Start FAB 3000 and Run DFM Check.
3. Make sure to check the option: "Compare Net File" and include the location where the file exists.  See Link below:
4. Now Run DFM Check.

FAB 3000 will pinpoint this short after running DFM Check.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.
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