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Produce negative print for the TOP (and inverted ) and BOTTOM copper.

Thank you for the licence key (30 days) for testing FAB 3000.
I managed to produce designs what we are interested in. I could
not find solution to produce from FAB 3000 negative print for
the TOP (and inverted ) and BOTTOM copper. The PDF output is
correct for the positive PCB production process. I tried
FILM wizard by I could not produce negative prints as well. Could
you inform me how I can do that if it is possible within package
as I could not find how to do it in HELP manual.
1 Comment

Film Wizard would be a perfect solution to create Negative Print for Gerber layers.  Please see movie tutorial below:

1.  Load Gerber Files.
2.  Start Film Wizard.
3.  Review Options

4.  Choose a film size that is large enough to surround the extents of your Design.
Note:  MAke sure to choose a 1 x 1, so it will be the only layer per film.  You can merge multiple gerber layers onto one film, layer but I believe for this tutorial purpose it's easier to understand 1UP -- and this may be what you're after anyways.

5.  Select here if you wish any layers to be Negative (Inverted) or Mirrored.

Notice that FAB 3000 has created a separate layer for each Gerber (i.e. film).  You may now export those film layers as Gerber.
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