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Is it possible to create the source files using your fab 3000 software so we can make changes to the schematics and create a new pcb layout?

We have a pcb in production that was designed for us. now we want to make changes but the design house will/can not release the sources that created the pcb layout. we only have .gbr, .drl and .rep files and schematics as pdf.
Is it possible to create the source files using your fab 3000 software so we can make changes to the schematics and create a new pcb layout?
1 Comment

FAB 3000 can assist you in several ways:

1.  If you only need to make so quick changes to the Gerber files (such as adding a different component or modifying the tracks), you can use FAB 3000 to import your Gerber/Drill files and then perform any editing you require.  You may then export a fresh set of Gerber and Drill files which maybe sent back to your PCB manufacturer.

2.  If you need to bring the PCB back into another layout tool, you may use FAB 3000 to perform "reverse engineering" to extract a netlist from the gerber file (i.e. connectivity); extract components using the Paste and Silkscreen Layer, and then export as an IPC Netlist or intelligent ODB++ file.  Depending on your layout tool you may then import the IPC or ODB++ file and continue performing layout modifications.

Thanks again, and please let me know if you require and further assistance.

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