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Unable to convert PDF to .bmp file - I am getting a rectangle image as an output - pls help asap

Unable to convert PDF to .bmp file - I am getting a rectangle image as an output - pls help asap

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ACE only supports converting PDF to vector image. A little disappointed. Would you please give me a general guide line for how to converte PDF to raster image. So I can estimate the processing complexity.
I am having problems in converting .pdf file to .bmp with the ACE 3000 v7. I am giving the attached .pdf file as input and the .bmp file which I'm getting as output is simply a rectangle.
Could you please help me out on this?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for submitting a support ticket.  ACE only converts "Vector" objects in a PDF file. Such as Lines, Arcs, Text, Circles, Polygons, etc.  The circuit in your PDF is an embedded image (i.e. Raster object).  Which not converted by ACE.  Please see the following from the ACE support forum for more assistance.

Best regards,

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