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Please can you let me know if it is possible to add these shapes to the drill layer and also how to rout my PCB border?

I have had a bit of a play with the drill file and now got the import settings correct. I have also manually entered the tool sizes and this has been successful, but I’m am still a little stuck with one last item on the drill side. T01~T17 are all round, so these are straight forward, however T18~T23 not round as they are slots, cutouts, etc.
 Please can you let me know if it is possible to add these shapes to the drill layer and also how to rout my PCB border?
1 Comment

Yes, you can add the other shapes: slots, cutouts, PCB border.  See my tutorial below showing how to perform these tasks plus add rout paths for more complex shapes:

Note #1:  Make sure you select the right tool diameter to use for your Slots & mill paths.

Note #2:  I would recommend that you export your data as "Mill/Rout" instead of Drill Data because now your data may contain more than just holes.  Go to menu: File | Export | Mill/Rout...  the rest is identical to Drill export.

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