My ground layer was imported as eps and exported as gerber . The gerber size is over 16 Megabytes.
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
over 11 years ago
My ground layer was imported as eps and exported as gerber . The gerber size is over 16 Megabytes.
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
over 11 years ago
[QUOTE]My ground layer was imported as eps and exported as gerber .
The gerber size is over 16 Megabytes.
Is there any way to get it to be smaller?
Thanks Much.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your question. Without a sample file, it's hard to determine the cause of what's the primary reason for the large file size. Here's some general rules:
1. When possible, try to use a Higher Arc/Spline Precision value. This is the value used to estimate curves, so the lower the number, the more points are used to reconstruct the curves.
2. Make sure your original EPS data does not contain duplicate objects. For example, if you have a circle with 5 smaller circles underneath that will also be converted to Gerber even though they are not visible.
3. When possible, use Flash Pads.
4. During Gerber export, try using smaller Integer and Decimal values. For example if you are outputting gerbers with a decimal value of 6 (0.XXXXXX accuracy) it is probably overkill, so exporting with decimal value of 4 will decrease the final file size.
Numerical Support Team