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I prefer the Layers control to be on the "Right Side" of the screen - not the defaiult Left Side. Change I change it?

I prefer the Layers control to be on the "Right Side" of the screen - not the defaiult Left Side. Change I change it?
1 Comment

[QUOTE]When using FAB 3000, I prefer the Layers control to be on the "Right Side" of the screen - like my CAD software tool and not on Left Side -- which appears to be the default.  Change I change it?[/QUOTE]

Yes you may choose either the Right or Left side for the Layers control.  To change to the Right Side, please perform the following:

1. Start FAB 3000 (or DFM Now!).

2.  Go to menu:  Setup | Options...

3.  Uncheck option "Design Navigator on Left Side".

4. Press OK.

5. Exit and restart.  The Layers control will be moved to the other side.

Note:  If you wish to hide the "Design Navigator", go to menu:  Setup / Customize..., and select the tab "Toolbars".  Uncheck "Design Navigator", and press OK.

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