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Is there a way to only display the undefined apertures when having to manually enter the values?

Is there a way to only display the undefined apertures when having to manually enter the values? I noticed that the aperture table does not have that as an option and I would need to enter the entire table.

Typically most users who load RS274D Gerbers files without apertures, use the "Aperture
Rules Template" to automatically allow FAB 3000 to scan your aperture file
and load apertures instantly --- so there's no need to enter them in

If you have a sample Aperture File, please send to me and I'll create a
tutorial movie showing how to have FAB 3000 read your aperture list so you
never need to enter them in manually.

There's several tutorials on the FAB 3000 user forum, YouTube Videos, or just type 'Aperture Rules' in the Ask A Question Box (located in Top-Right). 

Please note, aside from the YouTube link, the above links have been updated. Please use the links below.

How can I import old Aperture files into FAB 3000?

Load multiple aperture files along with gerbers

How does AutoLoad work?

I have a problem with importing apertures from folder with 274d Tango files.

How do I Import an Old ORCAD Aperture List?

"Is there a way to only display the undefined apertures"

After loading your files use the "Command Console" (under the View menu) to display undefined apertures: Warning: Dcode 100 is Undefined.

The aperture list will also show undefined apertures as "none":

Dcode:         Shape:          Parameters:
10        Circle    5.00
11        None   
12        None   
13        None   
14        None   
15        Circle    64.90


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