How to convert my dxf drawing into a filled polygon?:
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
over 12 years ago
Found this can be solved using join wizard automatic. However need more info on that. Refer to image below, may i know what the difference with
Enable/disable tick on the "force join to close all boundary".
Also, found overlapping lines will be offset to outside (shown below image) during join wizard automatic, which as a result make the filled polygon bigger than desired. Anyway to solve this without the hassle to select and delete these lines one by one?
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
over 12 years ago
For best results, your DXF should use a Closed 0-Width Polyline to draw your boundaries.
To create a "boundary" that will fill in Gerber data, requires that the boundary is "closed", continuous, no duplicate points, and does not self-intersect. Your DXF boundaries most likely violate one of the about rules. Not to worry there are many things you can do.
Note: Just search the forum, or enter something like "DXF fill" in the "Ask a Question" (located at Top-Right of FAB 3000 screen), and FAB 3000 will automatically search the forum for you.
Note #1: Force Close Boundaries You do not want to use "Force Close Boundaries" unless you are familiar with what you're doing, and I don't recommend you use that option. It forces all boundaries to be closed, this is only useful if you design is missing the last segment and needs the software to close and fill that area.
Note #2: Offset This is not an offset... If you're boundaries cannot be filled "FAB 3000" assigns those open 0-width lines with a "Default Width" (you define during DXF import). Everything in Gerber must have a width (so it may be plotted). 0-width entities in Gerber data will cause an error on the Photoplotter.
FAB 3000 has the "Join Wizard" which provides tools to Fill Areas either manually or automatically.
Numerical Support Team