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I got a different number of Nets Extracted, how come?

I got a different number of Nets Extracted, how come?
1 Comment



I was able to follow all the steps in the 2 videos and was able to get the netlist I was desperate for!!!   A small strange thing – the program reported that it had created 219 CAM nets and in the video, your software reported 220.  Not sure what this means, but the creation of any netlist is light years ahead of where I was. I’m going to purchase this software –  hope it come in a dongled version so I can use my work computer as well as my home computer.

Again, Thanks Very Much!



Most likely there may have been a different option selected during Netlist Extraction (such as Single Point Nets) which may yield additional or less nets.  Feel free to save your workspace file (*.wrk) and send it to me; we'll be happy to take a look.

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