DXF/DWG Import. FAB 3000 has determined the IMPORT UNITS you selected may be invalid for this file.
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
almost 13 years ago
I have translated dwg files to Gerber files, but I get a warning:
"FAB 3000 has determined the IMPORT UNITS you selected may be invalid for this file. It is recommended that you Restart and choose LARGER units, before proceeding."
I do not know what the terminology "Import units" means so I proceeded without any adjustments.
I have asked my PCB supplier to determine if the files can be used, but regardless of those consequences I need to know how to avoid this error message. Can you help?
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
almost 13 years ago
Thanks for your question.
DXF/DWG files are unitless. That means if you draw a line from 0,0 to 10,10 -- what is it? Was that line drawn referencing "Inches", "Feet", "microns". DXF/DWG says nothing about units, so during import you must tell FAB 3000 which "units" your DXF/DWG was drawn with so it will know how to convert it to Gerber... because Gerber must be in either Millimeter or Inches.
FAB 3000 thinks you've got the wrong units (usually when DXf/DWG is drawn with millimeter units in mind) and you tell FAB 3000 the DXF units are inchs. Thus a PCB board that's 100mm X 100mm is fine, however if that board is 100" X 100" it's way too large.
Numerical Support Team