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When I open files in FAB3000, the graphics are not displayed properly.

When I open files in FAB3000, the graphics are not displayed properly. Instead of a diagram of a pc board with all of the trace, I get a pc board with lines.
I am running an HP EVO with an nvidea quadro

It appears that you are loading "old style" gerber files (RS-274D which was popular in the 90's) where the aperture used in the gerbers are actually contained in a separate file; and not embedded inside the Gerber file - like most modern gerber files RS-274X.

This means that you would need to determine which file is the aperture list and then go to menu:  Setup | Aperture Table... and manually enter in each aperture.  Afterwards your Gerber files with then have all correct line widths and pad sizes.  Here's more information from the FAB 3000 user forum about RS-274D Gerber files:

If your aperture list is large (more than 20 apertures), FAB 3000 also has an "Aperture Rules Wizard" which can help automate the process of reading your aperture list files.  You can check out the FAB 3000 Help Manual about using the "Aperture Rules Wizard", and  here's more information on the FAB 3000 user forum:
Please note, the above links have been updated. Please use the links below.

Please view the following movie tutorials showing how to create an Aperture Wizard Template - which is used to load in old Aperture Lists along RS-274 Gerber files.


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