I need to convert a scanned image to gerber data. I have a PDF file, can FAB 3000 perform the PDF to Gerber conversion?
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
almost 15 years ago
As I suspected the pdf contains "raster image" objects. FAB 3000 PDF importer handles "Vector" objects (like text, lines, arcs, circles, etc.).
Note: If your scanner is able to generate an image file (like Bitmap or Tiff), I would recommend our product called FAB 3000 Professional. Why? Those scanned images will require cleanup (i.e flash the pads) and generate outlines for metal areas, etc. FAB 3000 has the ability to import large images, cleanup data, and export to gerber.
We're here to help, so if you can get a hold of a bitmap or tiff image, I can show you how to convert it to gerber.
Note: The option "Merge Adjacent Pixels" will create an outline for boundaries, however it can be very time consuming. For larger images, we recommend you uncheck "Merge Adjacent Pixels", quickly import the image, and then perform cleanup.
Numerical Support Team