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350+ Attributes for PCB Assembly and Manufacturing

Included are 350+ attributes available for PCB Assembly and Manufacturing that can be easily changed using the command:  Properties...  

Here's a quick video no sound) showing how to assign and change any objects attributes.

Description:Attribute:Display Name:Object Type(s):Default:
This attribute consists of a
list of all the layers in the
current EDA design.
Name: .all_eda_layers
.all_eda_layersAll EDA Layerscell
Indicates whether it is allowed
to remove nonfunctional pads.
Name: .allowed_to_remove_non_functional_pads
.allowed_to_remove_non_functional_padsAllowed to Remove nonfunctional Padscell
Assigned to a drill to define the maximum annular ring
size between the drill and the copper of the bottom layer of
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_bottom_max
.ar_pad_drill_bottom_maxMax Pad AR Drill Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill to define the minimum annular ring
size between the drill and the copper of the bottom layer of
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_bottom_min
.ar_pad_drill_bottom_minMin Pad AR Drill Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill to define the maximum annular ring
size between the drill and the copper of an inner layer in
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_inner_max
.ar_pad_drill_inner_maxMax Pad AR Drill Innerobject
Assigned to a drill to define the minimum annular ring
size between the drill and the copper of an inner layer in
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_inner_min
.ar_pad_drill_inner_minMin Pad AR Drill Innerobject
Assigned to a drill to define the maximum annular ring
size between the drill and the top copper layer in
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_top_max
.ar_pad_drill_top_maxMax Pad AR Drill Topobject
Assigned to a drill to define the minimum annular ring
size between the drill and the top copper layer in
the drill span.
Name: .ar_pad_drill_top_min
.ar_pad_drill_top_minMin Pad AR Drill Topobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the bottom layer, to define
the maximum annular ring size between the drill and the
soldermask on the bottom layer.
Name: .ar_sm_drill_bottom_max
.ar_sm_drill_bottom_maxMax SM AR Drill Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the bottom layer, to define
the minimum annular ring size between the drill and the
soldermask on the bottom layer.
Name: .ar_sm_drill_bottom_min
.ar_sm_drill_bottom_minMin SM AR Drill Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the top layer, to define the
maximum annular ring size between the drill and the
soldermask on the top layer.
Name: .ar_sm_drill_top_max
.ar_sm_drill_top_maxMax SM AR Drill Topobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the top layer, to define the
minimum annular ring size between the drill and the
soldermask on the top layer.
Name: .ar_sm_drill_top_min
.ar_sm_drill_top_minMin SM AR Drill Topobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the bottom layer, to define
the maximum annular ring size between the drilled pad
of the bottom layer and the soldermask above.
Name: .ar_sm_pad_bottom_max
.ar_sm_pad_bottom_maxMax SM AR Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the bottom layer, to define
the minimum annular ring size between the drilled pad
of the bottom layer and the soldermask above.
Name: .ar_sm_pad_bottom_min
.ar_sm_pad_bottom_minMin SM AR Bottomobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the top layer, to define the
maximum annular ring size in between the drilled pad of
the top layer and the soldermask above.
Name: .ar_sm_pad_top_max
.ar_sm_pad_top_maxMax SM AR Topobject
Assigned to a drill piercing the top layer, to define the
minimum annular ring size in between the drilled pad of
the top layer and the solder mask above.
Name: .ar_sm_pad_top_min
.ar_sm_pad_top_minMin SM AR Topobject
DFx Area Name
Name: .area_name
.area_nameDFx Area Nameobject
If YES, this job is a multipanel array, with the same
panel possibly appearing in 180 - degree rotation to itself
Name: .array_with_rotation
.array_with_rotationArray with Rotationcell
Indicating to which entity the feature
belongs (component, package, net, board)
Name: .artwork
.artworkFeature Sourceobject
Assembly Process: Bottom
Name: .assembly_proc_bottom
.assembly_proc_bottomAssembly Process: Bottomcell
Assembly Process: Top
Name: .assembly_proc_top
.assembly_proc_topAssembly Process: Topcell
Bar Code Width.
Name: .attrfab_barcode_width
.attrfab_barcode_widthBar Code Widthobject
Name: .attrfab_chs
Used with layer type DIELECTRIC to indicate that a
metal layer is to be manufactured on top of the DIELECTRIC material. (optional)
Name: .attrfab_copper_layer_above
.attrfab_copper_layer_aboveCopper Layer Abovelayer
Used with layer type DIELECTRIC to indicate that a
metal layer is to be manufactured on bottom of the DIELECTRIC material. (optional)
Name: .attrfab_copper_layer_below
.attrfab_copper_layer_belowCopper Layer Belowlayer
Customer part number.
Name: .attrfab_cpn
.attrfab_cpnCustomer PN (CPN)component
A text field that is intended to carry the material
name as reference in the design application. (optional)
Name: .attrfab_dielectric_material
.attrfab_dielectric_materialDielectric Materiallayer
Unlimited number of descriptions.
Name: .attrfab_dsc
.attrfab_dscDescriptions (DSC)component
Internal part number.
Name: .attrfab_ipn
.attrfab_ipnInternal PN (IPN)component
Defines the layer as either rigid or flexible.

Default: rigid
Name: .attrfab_layer_form
.attrfab_layer_formLayer Form (Rigid or Flexible)layer
Points to information stored in the bom files. The LNFILE line provides the
line number and the file name. For example, LNFILE 5 Rev13.v1 indicates that information is
stored in line 5 of file Rev13.v1
Name: .attrfab_lnfile
The MPN lines contain these parameters separated by spaces:
* qualify status — Whether the part(vendor + mpn) is qualified for production:
-1: Not qualified, 0: Unknown, 1: Qualified.
* chosen status — Whether the part is chosen from among the
alternate parts for the CPN. Only one part can be a chosen part.
0: Not chosen, 1: Chosen
MPN — The manufacturer part number.
For example, MPN 0 Y 4N35S for a CPN component whose
qualification is unknown(0), that is the chosen component(1), with a
manufacturer part number of 4N35S.
Name: .attrfab_mpn
.attrfab_mpnManufacturer PN (MPN)component
Alternate 1:
The MPN lines contain these parameters separated by spaces:
* qualify status — Whether the part(vendor + mpn) is qualified for production:
-1: Not qualified, 0: Unknown, 1: Qualified.
* chosen status — Whether the part is chosen from among the
alternate parts for the CPN. Only one part can be a chosen part.
0: Not chosen, 1: Chosen
MPN — The manufacturer part number.
For example, MPN 0 Y 4N35S for a CPN component whose
qualification is unknown(0), that is the chosen component(1), with a
manufacturer part number of 4N35S.
Name: .attrfab_mpn_1
.attrfab_mpn_1Alt. 1: Manufacturer PN (MPN)component
Alternate 2:
The MPN lines contain these parameters separated by spaces:
* qualify status — Whether the part(vendor + mpn) is qualified for production:
-1: Not qualified, 0: Unknown, 1: Qualified.
* chosen status — Whether the part is chosen from among the
alternate parts for the CPN. Only one part can be a chosen part.
0: Not chosen, 1: Chosen
MPN — The manufacturer part number.
For example, MPN 0 Y 4N35S for a CPN component whose
qualification is unknown(0), that is the chosen component(1), with a
manufacturer part number of 4N35S.
Name: .attrfab_mpn_2
.attrfab_mpn_2Alt. 2: Manufacturer PN (MPN)component
BOM Package name (PKG).
Name: .attrfab_pkg
.attrfab_pkgBOM Package (PKG)component
Part Priority.
1: is Top priority
2: Second priority
3:Third forth
0: Unknown
Name: .attrfab_priority
Alternate 1: Part Priority.
1: is Top priority
2: Second priority
3:Third forth
0: Unknown
Name: .attrfab_priority_1
.attrfab_priority_1Alt. 1: PRIORITYcomponent
Alternate 2: Part Priority.
1: is Top priority
2: Second priority
3:Third forth
0: Unknown
Name: .attrfab_priority_2
.attrfab_priority_2Alt. 2: PRIORITYcomponent
Name: .attrfab_qlf
Establishes a connection between Silk/Paste/Mask and
Metal layers for Flex and Rigid-Flex designs. (optional)
Name: .attrfab_reference_layer
.attrfab_reference_layerReference Layerlayer
Manufacturer (vendor) name.
Name: .attrfab_vnd
.attrfab_vndManufacturer (VND)component
Alternate 1:
Manufacturer (vendor) name.
Name: .attrfab_vnd_1
.attrfab_vnd_1Alt. 1: Vendor Name (VND)component
Alternate 2:
Manufacturer (vendor) name.
Name: .attrfab_vnd_2
.attrfab_vnd_2Alt. 2: Vendor Name (VND)component
MPN from an external vendor part library corresponding
to original MPN(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_mpn
.attrfab_vpl_mpnVPL Manufacturer PN (VPL_MPN)component
Alternate 1:
MPN from an external vendor part library corresponding
to original MPN(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_mpn_1
.attrfab_vpl_mpn_1Alt. 1: VPL Manufacturer PN (VPL_MPN)component
Alternate 2:
MPN from an external vendor part library corresponding
to original MPN(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_mpn_2
.attrfab_vpl_mpn_2Alt. 2: VPL Manufacturer PN (VPL_MPN)component
Manufacturer from an external vendor part library
corresponding to original vendor(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_vnd
.attrfab_vpl_vndVPL Manufacturer (VPL_VND)component
Alternate 1:
Manufacturer from an external vendor part library
corresponding to original vendor(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_vnd_1
.attrfab_vpl_vnd_1Alt. 1: VPL Manufacturer (VPL_VND)component
Alternate 2:
Manufacturer from an external vendor part library
corresponding to original vendor(as determined in BOM Validation).
Name: .attrfab_vpl_vnd_2
.attrfab_vpl_vnd_2Alt. 2: VPL Manufacturer (VPL_VND)component
Defines the angle at which a board is inserted into a 5DX
machine. Values are translated as 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees.
Name: .axi_direction
.axi_directionAssembly X-Ray Inspection Directioncell
Used by Backdrill Analysis to indicate the layer not to be
penetrated during the backdrill process.
Name: .backdrill_penetrate_stop_layer
.backdrill_penetrate_stop_layerBackdrill not Penetrate Layer Namelayer
Contains the drill designator that is
to be used for each tool.
Name: .bit
.bitDrill Designatorobject
bbm:  Bad board mark.
Skip inspection of the step.

gpm: good panel mark. The panel can be
accepted for printing without scanning its
steps for bad board marks.
Name: .board_mark
.board_markVI Tech. Board Markobject
Total thickness of the board.
Name: .board_thickness
.board_thicknessBoard Thicknessproduct0
Name of Wire Bond
Name: .bond_name
.bond_nameName of Wire Bondobject
Name of the bonding profile.
Name: .bonding_profile
.bonding_profileBonding profileobject
Assigned to a symbol that represents a break-away that
can be inserted into any line or arc of the rout path.
Name: .break_away
.break_awayRout Break Awaysymbolno
Assigned to a pad or a point in a break-away symbol
(that was given the attribute .break_away).
Name: .brk_point
.brk_pointRout Break Pointobjectno
The nano-ohmic resistance of the
semiconductor material.
Name: .bulk_resistivity
.bulk_resistivityBulk Resistivity (nano-ohm)layer0.0
Indicates whether there has been a local change
to a pad code in the local design.
Name: .cad_local_footprint_change
.cad_local_footprint_changeCADStar Pad Changecomponent|packageno
Contains the full CAD package
name of a Cadstar component.
Name: .cad_package_name
.cad_package_nameCADStar Package Namecomponent
Assigns component properties in accordance with
data received from the ASSY_PN_OVERRIDE property.
Name: .cad_part_override
.cad_part_overrideCAD Part Varient Supportcomponent|package
Specifies component is expected
to have a fiducial at its center.
Name: .center_fiducial
.center_fiducialCenter Fiducial Requiredcomponent|packageno
Specifies the x-offset from the CAD centroid
to the calculated package centroid.
Name: .centroid_correction_x
.centroid_correction_xCentroid Correction Xcomponent|package0
Specifies the y-offset from the CAD centroid
to the calculated package centroid.
Name: .centroid_correction_y
.centroid_correction_yCentroid Correction Ycomponent|package0
Can be attached to any feature or component to
define the color to be used in plotting a layer in HPGL-1
or 2. The format is rrggbb (where r = red, g = green, b = blue).
Name: .color
.colorHPGL Output Colorcomponent|object
Used for general textual comments.
Name: .comment
For a chained feature, this attribute sets
the offset of the cutting tool from the rout path.
Name: .comp
.compRout Compensateobjectnone
Stores the height of the component
above the board surface.
Name: .comp_height
.comp_heightComponent Heightobject|component|package0.0
This attribute is used to assign the same
ID to a component under which there
is an area with space for a shorter component,
and to the feature that defines the area.
Name: .comp_height_area
.comp_height_areaAllegro Height IDcomponent|object
The height of the tallest package (in
the CPN package of alternate MPNs)
above the board surface.
Name: .comp_height_max
.comp_height_maxMaximal Heightcomponent|package
Contains the minus tolerance for component
height, used for calculation of plug-in boards.
Name: .comp_htol_minus
.comp_htol_minusHeight Tolerance Minuscomponent|package
Contains the plus tolerance for component
height, used for calculation of plug-in boards.
Name: .comp_htol_plus
.comp_htol_plusHeight Tolerance Pluscomponent|package
This attribute, when set, disables spacing checks
on a component during assembly analysis. It is used for printed
components that have no actual body
Name: .comp_ign_spacing
.comp_ign_spacingIgnore during Spacing Analysiscomponent|packageno
Determines whether the component is to be ignored
when calculating statistics, or during certain operations,
such as analysis.
Name: .comp_ignore
.comp_ignoreIgnore Componentcomponent|packageno
Indicates whether the component is
a surface mount, through-hole mount,
press-fit or other.
Name: .comp_mount_type
.comp_mount_typeMount Typecomponent|package
Name of the die component
on the HDI technology layer.
Name: .comp_name
.comp_nameName of Die Componentcomponent
POLARIZED, has a specific pin designated as pin #1.
NON_POLARIZED has no specific pin #1.
Name: .comp_polarity
.comp_polarityComponent Polaritycomponent|package
Component Type 1
Name: .comp_type
.comp_typeType 1component|package
Component Type 2
Name: .comp_type2
.comp_type2Type 2component|package
Consists of a list of variants where a component is used.
The list contains variant names separated by a colon (:)
Name: .comp_variant_list
.comp_variant_listVariant Listcomponent|package
Stores the weight of the component.
Name: .comp_weight
.comp_weightComponent Weightcomponent|package
The weight of copper according
to its Units of Measurement.
Name: .copper_weight
.copper_weightCopper Weightlayer
SQA Critical Net. Specifies critical nets.
Name: .critical_net
.critical_netCritical Netnet|objectno
Assigned to the mid-point of a netlist to force it to become
a testpoint. If both.non_tp and.critical_tp are assigned
to the same point, .critical_tp takes precedence and the mid point is tested.
In case of a drilled feature the attribute must be added to the drill hole.
Name: .critical_tp
.critical_tpNetlist Critical Midpoint Outputobjectno
Consists of the name of the
current variant for a step.
Name: .current_variant
.current_variantCurrent Variantcell
This attribute can store the name of the customer for
whom the product model was created.
Name: .customer
Assigned to lines added in the creation
of film layers by the film optimization algorithm.
Name: .cut_line
.cut_lineFilm Optimization Cut Lineobject
The source of the data.
For example, Cadence, Mentor.
Name: .data_source
.data_sourceData Sourceproduct|cell
BOM Description field 1
Name: .desc1
.desc1BOM Description 1component|package
BOM Description field 10
Name: .desc10
.desc10BOM Description 10component|package
BOM Description field 2
Name: .desc2
.desc2BOM Description 2component|package
BOM Description field 3
Name: .desc3
.desc3BOM Description 3component|package
BOM Description field 4
Name: .desc4
.desc4BOM Description 4component|package
BOM Description field 5
Name: .desc5
.desc5BOM Description 5component|package
BOM Description field 6
Name: .desc6
.desc6BOM Description 6component|package
BOM Description field 7
Name: .desc7
.desc7BOM Description 7component|package
BOM Description field 8
Name: .desc8
.desc8BOM Description 8component|package
BOM Description field 9
Name: .desc9
.desc9BOM Description 9component|package
The design center from which
the product model originated.
Name: .design_center
.design_centerDesign Centerproduct|cell
Defines the design origin x coordinate.
Name: .design_origin_x
.design_origin_xDesign X Originproduct0
Defines the design origin y coordinate.
Name: .design_origin_y
.design_origin_yDesign Y Originproduct0
This attribute is an enhancement of .device_type
and is used to store the style of the component as defined
in GenCAD (such as, NPN, PNP, NFET, PFET, NJFET,
Name: .device_style
.device_styleDevice Stylecomponent|package
Stores the type of the component as defined in the
device(such as, RES, VRES, DIODE, ZENER, LOGIC,
SWITCH, CONN, etc.).
Name: .device_type
.device_typeDevice Typecomponent|package
Stores the electrical value of a component.
Name: .device_value
.device_valueDevice Electrical Valuecomponent|package
This is a real value expressing the percent of the
value to use as a tolerance (negative tolerance). This is
used for all devices. Range of characters : all floating point numbers.
Name: .device_value_ntol
.device_value_ntolDevice Value Negative Tolerancecomponent|package0.0
This is a real value expressing the percent of the
value to use as a tolerance (positive tolerance). This is
used for all devices. Range of characters : all floating point numbers.
Name: .device_value_ptol
.device_value_ptolDevice Value Positive Tolerancecomponent|package0.0
The ratio of the field without
dielectric(Eo) to the net field(E)
with dielectric. It is unitless and
has a range value of 1 for metals.
Typical values are 4 and 5.

(0.0 to 1000.0; default = 0.0)
Name: .dielectric_constant
.dielectric_constantDielectric Constant (ER)layer0.0
Differential pair name associating two nets that
must be routed together.
Name: .diff_pair
.diff_pairDifferential Pairnet
Spacing gap value specifying the spacing
between differential pair nets.
Name: .dpair_gap
.dpair_gapDifferential Pair Spacingnet
Specifies whether the keepout/keepin area applies
to Top, Bottom, or Both component layers.
Name: .drc_assembly_lyrs
.drc_assembly_lyrsAssigned Area to Component Sideobject
Assigned to a DRC area
defined for the whole board.
Name: .drc_board
.drc_boardAnalysis Board Areaobject
Assigns component height restriction
to a keepin/keepout area.
Name: .drc_comp_height
.drc_comp_heightComponent Height for Areaobject
Stores name of document layer in which all component
height restriction keepin/keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_comp_height_lyr
.drc_comp_height_lyrComp. Height Restriction Layerproduct
Defines an area as the board's
component placement keepin boundary.
Name: .drc_comp_keepin
.drc_comp_keepinComponent Keep Inobject
Stores name of document layer in
which all component keepin areas are stored.
Name: .drc_comp_keepin_lyr
.drc_comp_keepin_lyrComponent Keep In Layerproduct
Defines an area as the board's
component placement keepout boundary.
Name: .drc_comp_keepout
.drc_comp_keepoutComponent Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in
which all component keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_comp_keepout_lyr
.drc_comp_keepout_lyrComponent Keep Out Layerproduct
Value=layer names separated by semi-colons(;).
User-defined attribute for user to specify name of
layers in which to activate keepin / keepout areas
Name: .drc_etch_lyrs
.drc_etch_lyrsDFx Area Layers by Nameobject
Defines a keepin/keepout area
as effective on all layers.
Name: .drc_etch_lyrs_all
.drc_etch_lyrs_allDFx Area All Layersobject
Values=string consisting of 0 and 1 characters.
Allows the keepin/keepout area to apply only to specified board layers.
The attribute's length is equal to the number of board layers.
0=ignore layer, 1=activate areas in that layer.
Name: .drc_etch_lyrs_bit
.drc_etch_lyrs_bitDFx Area Selected Layersobject
Stores the maximum height of components
to be allowed in a height restriction area.
Name: .drc_max_height
.drc_max_heightMaximum Heightobject
Analysis Mechanical Area
Name: .drc_mech
.drc_mechAnalysis Mechanical Areaobject
Stores the minimum height of components
to be allowed in a height restriction area.
Name: .drc_min_height
.drc_min_heightMinimum Heightobject
Specifies area to be used
as pads keepout boundary.
Name: .drc_pad_keepout
.drc_pad_keepoutPad Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which all pad
keepout areas are stored. Default as defined in the
drc_pad_keepout configuration parameter.
Name: .drc_pad_keepout_lyr
.drc_pad_keepout_lyrPad Keep Out Layerproduct
Specifies area to be used as
planes keepout boundary.
Name: .drc_plane_keepout
.drc_plane_keepoutPlane Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which all plane
keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_plane_keepout_lyr
.drc_plane_keepout_lyrPlane Keep Out Layerproduct
Assigned to DRC areas defined for components.
Name: .drc_ref_des
.drc_ref_desAnalysis Reference Designatorobject
Specifies areas to be used as the rout keepin boundary
(rout = lines, arcs, vias, pads and surfaces on signal and/or
power and ground layers).
Name: .drc_route_keepin
.drc_route_keepinRoute Keep Inobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all rout keepin areas are stored.
Name: .drc_route_keepin_lyr
.drc_route_keepin_lyrRoute Keep In Layerproduct
Specifies areas to be used as the rout keepout boundary
(rout = lines, arcs, vias, pads and surfaces on signal and/or
power and ground layers).
Name: .drc_route_keepout
.drc_route_keepoutRoute Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all rout keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_route_keepout_lyr
.drc_route_keepout_lyrRoute Keep Out Layerproduct
Defines areas to be used as testpoint
keepin area boundaries.
Name: .drc_tp_keepin
.drc_tp_keepinTestpoint Keep Inobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all testpoint keepin areas are stored.
Name: .drc_tp_keepin_lyr
.drc_tp_keepin_lyrTestpoint Keep In Layerproduct
Defines areas to be used as testpoint
keepout area boundaries.
Name: .drc_tp_keepout
.drc_tp_keepoutTestpoint Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all testpoint keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_tp_keepout_lyr
.drc_tp_keepout_lyrTestpoint Keep Out Layerproduct
Defines areas to be used as trace keepout boundaries
(traces=lines and arcs on signal and/or power and ground layers).
Name: .drc_trace_keepout
.drc_trace_keepoutTrace Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all traces keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_trace_keepout_lyr
.drc_trace_keepout_lyrTrace Keep Out Layerproduct
Defines areas to be used as
vias keepout boundaries.
Name: .drc_via_keepout
.drc_via_keepoutVia Keep Outobject
Stores name of document layer in which
all vias keepout areas are stored.
Name: .drc_via_keepout_lyr
.drc_via_keepout_lyrVia Keep Out Layerproduct
Assigned to hole features in drill layers.
It defines the type of the drill and is used
extensively during fabrication analysis.
Name: .drill
.drillDrill Typeobject
A value between 0 - 100000.
Name: .drill_flag
.drill_flagAuto Drill Mgr Flagobject0
Specifies the drill direction for all drills
on a given layer. This information impacts on
analysis and potentially on the generation
of production tooling information.
Name: .drill_layer_direction
.drill_layer_directionDrill Layer Direction:layertop2bottom
Assigned during DXF file input to mark its
features as part of a DXF dimension entity.
Name: .dxf_dimension
.dxf_dimensionDXF Dimensionobject
List of electrical class rules (blank-separated) defining
the maximum distance between the two traces of
nets considered parallel.
Name: .eclass_accumulative_parallel_dist_list
.eclass_accumulative_parallel_dist_listAccum. Parallel Dist.Listnet
List of electrical class rules (blank-separated) defining
the maximum distance between the two traces of
nets considered parallel.
Name: .eclass_accumulative_parallel_max_length_list
.eclass_accumulative_parallel_max_length_listAccum. Parallel Max.Len.Listnet
Electrical class rule.
Name: .eclass_impedance
List of blank-separated electrical class rules. Defines
the separation distance within which two traces are considered parallel.
Name: .eclass_individual_parallel_dist_list
.eclass_individual_parallel_dist_listIndivid. Parallel Dist.Listnet
List of electrical class rules (blank-separated). Defines
the maximum length that two nets can run parallel to each other.
Name: .eclass_individual_parallel_max_length_list
.eclass_individual_parallel_max_length_listIndivid. Parallel Max. Len. Listnet
List of electrical class rules (blank-separated).  Defines
the distance parallel traces that deviate must maintain
the deviation before it is considered a break in parallelism.
Name: .eclass_individual_parallel_min_jog_list
.eclass_individual_parallel_min_jog_listIndivid. Parallel Min. Jog Listnet
Electrical class rule—high limit of the stub length.
Name: .eclass_max_stub_length
.eclass_max_stub_lengthMax. Stub Lengthnet
Maximal number of vias on the nets.
Name: .eclass_max_via_count
.eclass_max_via_countMax. Via Countnet
Electrical class rule—low limit of the stub length.
Name: .eclass_min_stub_length
.eclass_min_stub_lengthMin. Stub Lengthnet
Electrical class rule specifying the interval of a
rising signal transition(low to high)
Name: .eclass_rise_time
.eclass_rise_timeRise Timenet
Electrical class rule.
Name: .eclass_voltage_swing
.eclass_voltage_swingVoltage Swingnet
Assigns a technology type attribute to
an embedded components layer.
Name: .ecmp_layer_tech
.ecmp_layer_techEmbedded Passive Technologylayernone
Maximum nominal value received at input
(its value plus a tolerance).
Name: .ecmp_max_value
.ecmp_max_valueEmbedded Passive Max. Valueobject
Minimum nominal value received at input
(its value minus a tolerance).
Name: .ecmp_min_value
.ecmp_min_valueEmbedded Passive Min. Valueobject
Name assigned to an
embedded passive feature.
Name: .ecmp_name
.ecmp_nameEmbedded Passive Nameobject
Assigns a component type to
an embedded component.
Name: .ecmp_type
.ecmp_typeEmbedded Passive Typeobject
Embedded passive nominal value.
For resistors it is the resistance in ohms.
Name: .ecmp_value
.ecmp_valueEmbedded Passive Nominal Valueobject
The engineering change list.
Name: .eco
.ecoEngineering Change Listcell
Defines lines controlled by impedance. Lines assigned
this attribute are not rerouted nor shaved.
Name: .eda_define_imp_line
.eda_define_imp_lineImpedance Line-No Editsobject
Assigns system-generated ID to dimensions.
Name: .eda_dimension_id
.eda_dimension_idEmbedded Passive Nominal Valueobject
Contains the EDA system layer names that compose a physical layer.
It is loaded during the direct EDA translation and is used for
graphic synchronization with the EDA system.
Name: .eda_layers
.eda_layersEDA Layerslayer
Electrical class name associating a net with a set of
electrical call rules. Electrical class rules include
physical and electrical limitations required to assure
and analyze the signal integrity of a high speed net.
Name: .electrical_class
.electrical_classElectrical Classnet
A distance value (per layer) to use in
netlist adjacency calculation for moving probe
testers(currently BSL and PROBOT).

(0.0 to 1000.0; default=20.0)
Name: .et_adjacency
.et_adjacencyAdjacency Distance(ET)layer20.0
Determines that a feature will be used
as an alignment target for PROBOT output
Name: .et_align
.et_alignProbot Alignment Targetsobject
Assigned to construction features
(lines and pads) added to assist in the
generation of a rout path.
Name: .extended
.extendedDimension Featureobject
Stores the default DRC area name. This name is applied
when no specific area is defined in the DRC map
layer, or no such map layer at all.
Name: .fab_drc
.fab_drcFab DRCcell
Copper features with this attribute are ignored in
analysis actions. (Currently implemented for rout tests only.)
Name: .feature_ignore
.feature_ignoreCopper Feature Ignoreobject
For a chained feature, this attribute
sets the table feed rate when routing.
Name: .feed
.feedRout Feed Rateobject
Etec Fiducial Output
Name: .fiducial_name
.fiducial_nameEtec Fiducial Outputobject
This attribute is assigned local fiducial features. It can
consist of a list of REFDES (separated by semicolons); a
list of the components using this local fiducial.
Name: .fiducial_rdlist
.fiducial_rdlistLocal Fiducial Ref.Des.Listobject
This attribute is used as the default horizontal distance
between apertures when the aperture is used for pattern filling.
Name: .fill_dx
.fill_dxFill Dxsymbol0.1
This attribute is used as the default vertical distance
between apertures when the aperture is used for pattern filling.
Name: .fill_dy
.fill_dyFill Dysymbol0.1
Indicates the manufacturing direction the PCB will be
going through during the flow solder process.
Name: .fs_direction_bottom
.fs_direction_bottomFlow Solder Direction (Bottom)cell
Indicates the manufacturing direction the PCB will be
going through during the flow solder process.
Name: .fs_direction_top
.fs_direction_topFlow Solder Direction (Top)cell
This is a real value expressing the percent of the
value to use as a tolerance (negative tolerance). This is
used for all devices: Range of characters : all floating point numbers.
Name: .gencad_device_ntol
.gencad_device_ntolGENCAD Negative Tolerancecomponent|package0.0
This is a real value expressing the percent of the
value to use as a tolerance (positive tolerance). This is
used for all devices :
Name: .gencad_device_ptol
.gencad_device_ptolGENCAD Positive Tolerancecomponent|package0.0
This attribute is an enhancement of .gencad_device_type and is
used to store the style of the component as defined in
Name: .gencad_device_style
.gencad_device_styleGENCAD Device Stylecomponent|package
Stores the type of the component as defined in GenCAD
Name: .gencad_device_type
.gencad_device_typeGENCAD Device Typecomponent|package
Stores the electrical value of a component.
Name: .gencad_device_value
.gencad_device_valueGENCAD Device Valuecomponent|package
Contains the name of the padstack
referenced for this object.
Name: .geometry
.geometryPad Stackobject
Used during autopanelization to orient the
gold plated area toward the extreme side of the panel.
Name: .gold_plating
.gold_platingGold Platingobject
Type of gold plating used.
Name: .gold_plating_defined_by
.gold_plating_defined_byGold Plating Defined bycellgoldmask
Assigned to a component that guards other
components. If TRUE, this component is considered a guard component
(that is, not likely to be knocked off the board accidentally.
To be used in future actions.)
Name: .guard_comp
.guard_compComponent Guardcomponent|packageno
Assign Object as part of Hatch.
Name: .hatch
The lines making up the border of a surface.
Name: .hatch_border
.hatch_borderHatch Borderobjectno
Assigned to features that are added for partial hatch. The
difference between regular hatch and partial hatch is that
in partial hatch the cells along the border that
intersect the border line are filled; the feature(s) that fill
these cells are assigned this attribute.
Name: .hatch_serrated_border
.hatch_serrated_borderHatch Serrated Borderobjectno
The attribute defines the type of HDI
assembly technology identified in the product model.
If None, the special layer is not created.
Name: .hdi_assembly_tech
.hdi_assembly_techHDI assembly technologylayernone
Default area name applied to all HDI actions.
Name: .hdi_drc
.hdi_drcHDI Assembly Technologycell
When this attribute is assigned to a net, it is
ignored during Testpoint Allocation Analysis. No
potential testpoints are assigned, they are not
reported in the Nets without Potential TPs category, the
Testpoints Allocation Report, or in Total Number of Nets.
Name: .ignore_net
.ignore_netIgnore Net During Allocationnet
These values are set when inputting Image files into the
system. They contain the datum point of an Image
user - defined symbol entity used to set the datum when
performing output back into Image format. These values
should not be changed by the user as this can cause data corruption.
Name: .image_dx
.image_dxImage Dxsymbol0.0
These values are set when inputting Image files into the
system. They contain the datum point of an Image
user - defined symbol entity used to set the datum when
performing output back into Image format. These values
should not be changed by the user as this can cause data corruption.
Name: .image_dy
.image_dyImage Dysymbol0.0
For each impedance line bearing this attribute,
the system refers to the constraint with
the given ID in the impedance constraints table.
Name: .imp_constraint_id
.imp_constraint_idImpedance Constraint IDobject
Assigned to lines that are impedance - controlled.  When
set, it prevents the lines from being rerouted or thinned
during signal layer optimization.
Name: .imp_line
.imp_lineImpedance Lineobject
Defines a unique ID for all trace
segments that are part of
the same impedance polyline.
Name: .imp_polyline_id
.imp_polyline_idImpedance Polyline IDobject
Test width of routes used for
the provided impedance.
Name: .impedance_test_width
.impedance_test_widthImpedance Test Widthlayer0
Indicates that the component requires
silkscreen orientation indication.
Name: .ind_orient_req
.ind_orient_reqOrientation Indication Requiredcomponent|packageno
Contains the name of the file (Gerber, Drill)
from which the data was input into the layer.
Name: .inp_file
.inp_fileInput Filelayer
Defines the end-product
class according to IPC-7351.
Name: .ipc_class
.ipc_classIPC Performance Classproductclass1
Assigned to a via drill to indicate one of the IPC-4761
Via types for via tenting, covering, plugging and
capping. Refers to the bottom side of the via drill.
Name: .ipc_via_type_bottom
.ipc_via_type_bottomIPC-4761 Bottom Via Typeobject0
Assigned to a via drill to indicate one of the IPC-4761
Via types for via tenting, covering, plugging and
capping. Refers to the top side of the via drill.
Name: .ipc_via_type_top
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