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I have been trying to convert my file from .step to Gerber, but this screen has been sitting for almost an hour without anything happening. Does the bar on the bottom of the screen indicate that the upload is complete? If so, where it the file?

Please submit a support ticket and include the same STEP file that converts slowly and we'll be happy to review and determine a solution.

Alternative Solution:  If possible do you have the ability to output a STL file (instead of STEP).  STL will definitely process much faster.  Here's a sample tutorial movie showing me convert a random STL file to Gerber,

Ready to try yourself?    Here's the STL file used in the tutorial download link, 

  1. Request a free trial of ACE 2D/3D Translator,,  or instantly get Numerical Cloud subscription, 
  2. Follow the steps in the movie tutorial

Here's the resulting Gerber files for your review,

Thanks again.

Best regards,



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