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GDS-II Import Options

Create a Separate Layer for each Layer/Datatype Pair:

 This is useful for engineers who want to keep objects with different layer/datatypes pairs separate during the conversion process .  For example, if your GDS-II contains objects on Layer 8 (DataType 0) and objects Layer 8 (DataType 4), ACE will create two unique layers (even though objects have the same layer number). 

Default:  Unchecked

Flatten Hierarchy:

Removes the hierarchy of the GDSII file.  This may result in huge data sizes.  

Default:  Unchecked

Flash Round Shapes:

The GDS-II format does not natively support circle elements  (all GDS-II circles are either paths or polygon elements).  

ACE has a feature to detect Circle polygons in GDS-II, and convert to true circles (Flash Circles - aka: circle pads).  This can drastically improve the quality of the circles when converting from GDS-II to other formats - like DXF, Gerber, etc.

Default:  Unchecked 

Flash Rectangle Shapes:

ACE has a feature to detect Rectangle polygons in GDS-II, and convert to rectangle Flashes (i.e Pads).  This can improve the quality of the rectangular pads when converting from GDS-II to other formats - like ODB++, Gerber, etc.

Default:  Unchecked 

Max Flash Ratio (Length/Width):

Determines whether to convert a rectangular polygon to a Flash (i.e Pad).  In many cases a rectangular polygon can be a long trace which should not be converted to a Flash.  If the GDS-II rectangular polygon exceeds ratio value (Length/Width), than it will remain a polygon and not converted to a rectangle flash.  This setting is only for the option Flash Rectangle Shapes.

Default:  6 

Convert Paths To:

Select the appearance of GDS-II paths.  Auto-Detect is the default and ACE will use the Path style defined in the GDS-II format.  However if you are converting to Gerber format for PCBs (for example) you will most likely want all paths to be rounded with round endcaps (to simulate Traces in PCB).  You may also selected Extended or Truncated Path endcaps.

Default:  Auto-Detect 

Ignore Text:

GDS-II text elements are typically used for element information/attribute details and rarely used for graphical conversion; because there may not have text height or font information available.   When checking this option all GDS text elements detected will be ignored.  If imported, the GDS-II text elements will use the default Font  and Height (described below).

Default:  Unchecked  

Default Text Font (Style): 

The GDS-II format does not have any details about what font (style) to use text elements.  You can select any existing ACE 3000 font format.

Default:  txt.fnt

Default  Text Height (micron):

The GDS-II format may not have specific details about what height to use text elements.  You can select a default text height to use in microns (um).  When 0, ACE will decide the best text height to use (when undefined).

Default:  0

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