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Options are not retained, and Easygerb has to be reloaded with each AutoCAD session, these may be limitations of add-ons or AutoCAD itself. I’ve also hit a wall when it comes to the text output.

I wanted to thank you for reaching out to me. I had missed the first opportunity to use Easygerb, and another opportunity came up last week. Luckily I was still able to use the 7-day trial from before. The conversion process itself seems fairly straightforward, which is great. However, I have noticed some hiccups. Options are not retained, and Easygerb has to be reloaded with each AutoCAD session, these may be limitations of add-ons or AutoCAD itself. I’ve also hit a wall when it comes to the text output.

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You can include EasyGerb with the AutoCAD startup suite, so that you do not need to load EasyGerb with each new session of AutoCAD (however lets review the more import stuff).

1.  Here's our design rule guidelines for converting to Gerber (essentially try to keep everything simple for best results):

2.  Remember that AutoCAD can support 0 width entities, however everything in Gerber format must have some type of width (or fill) associated with it.   0-Width entities are not permitted.

When viewing the screen captures, the first thing I notice is the Green circles are filled in and you do not want them filled (I assume).  During the EasyGerb conversion process, you will need to "uncheck" the option FCB (fill closed boundaries) for the layer that contains those circles.  Secondly in your AutoCAD drawing, they are 0-width circles.  What "width" do you ultimately want the those circles when converted to Gerber?  For best results use the object "Donut" in AutoCAD.  That will allow you to define the OD and ID of each circle so EasyGerb knows exactly how you wish  it to appear after Gerber conversion.

The text looks out of place.  Remember to keep things simple for the conversion.  I would guess that you may be using a formatted MText (with Center/Right alignment).  If possible just add the Text as DText or MText without any formating.  You can move the Text to appear exactly as you wish in the DWG without using MText formatting.  EasyGerb does support TrueType fonts, however only the basic ones like Arial, Times New Romans, etc (they are shipped in the EasyGerb fonts folder).

Keeping the drawing entities simple will produce the best results with EasyGerb.

If you need more power with your conversions, than I would recommend our product FAB 3000.  It can import "any" DWG or DXF file from AutoCAD and then export to Gerber (or any other format to wish).  FAB 3000 has the ability to handle any true-type font, MText with alignment, formatting, and more.   The options are very similar to EasyGerb, so if you can understand the EasyGerb using FAB 3000 DWG import should be easy.  If you're interested in trying FAB 3000 please let Miranda know and we'll be happy to assist.

Note:  I have probably converted over 10,000 DWG jobs to Gerber in my days using both EasyGerb and FAB 3000.  If you wish to send me a sample DWG file, I can create a tutorial movie showing the exact steps I took to perform the conversion.   We also have many examples of DWG conversions in our Help Center

Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


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