The text is always placed correctly, however to save time ACE will estimate the overall bounding box of the entire text string using internal metric values defined by the font itself (such as kerf, height, decending height, etc.). Depending on what font is used, it's possible the bounding box is incorrectly calculated.
If text will be used at the edge or perimeter of your design, I would recommend to choose another font (preferably a TrueType like Arial). TrueType fonts provide more accurate internal metric values (when compared to SHX fonts by AutoCAD) - this allows ACE to be more accurate when calculating the overall bounding box of a text string.
Note: Explode the Text. Exploding the text to common objects (like lines, arcs, polygons) will also prevent this issue. We are currently finalizing the latest update of ACE, and we'll add an option to automatically explode fonts during DXF import.
Best regards,
Hi Simon:
Looks like exploding the fonts did the trick! Going to play around with some additional configuration and testing but you can close the ticket. I like the idea of a setting for automatically exploding the font.