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My requirement is to convert from ODB++ to GDSII – so that we can read the data into HFSS.

My requirement is to convert from ODB++ to GDSII – so that we can read the data into HFSS.

As well as the GDSII file I have to create a layer tech file as well to instruct HFSS what goes where – this includes the dielectric layers as I need the copper structure of the via as they connect from one layer to another.

Can your converter add in the dielectric layers with the drill data?

1 Comment

Yes, our product ACE will perfectly meet your requirements.  It will allow you to convert your ODB++ directly to STEP -- compatible with any 3D modeling software (including ANSYS tools).  Then there would be no need to have GDSII as an intermediate format.  For more information visit ACE:

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