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Gerber Arcs are not correct when viewing in DFM Now! or other gerber viewers.

I’m seeing some odd behaviour between ACE & DFM. Kicad & Viewmate display the same as DFM.
Please see attached screen grab. Also attached are Ace Gerber outputs and the ACAD block which the gerber output displays differently depending on the insertion angle of the block.
1 Comment

 Thanks for sending the sample images and Gerber files.

To immediately correct the Gerber output from ACE, please perform either one of the following (from the Gerber export options):
1.  BEST SOLUTION:  Un-Check "Output Arcs"

Note:  ACE will still output nice clean arcs and you can control the arc quality during DWG Import.  Giving you nice high-quality resolution arcs.

2.  Set the Output Arc tolearance to a smaller value.  I would recommend 0.01 mil (or smaller). 

Thanks again, and please let me know if this was helpful.

Best regards,

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