Convert CATIA5 DXF to Gerber
Initially I used a free DXF CAD tool "DraftSight" to view what I had before I convert to Gerber.
(2) All objects were on Layer 0, which is not recommended for conversion so I created the following layers in my CAD tool:
0 - Default Layer with Title Block
PART - The Part
FOLD - Horizontal Lines (maybe fold lines?)
Note: I didn't know the purpose of the "Horizontal Lines" so I placed then on a layer called FOLD.
Note: IF CATIA5 has the ability to export DXF with Layers I would recommend it to avoid this step.
(3) Output DXF and Load into ACE 3000.
(4) Configure ACE 3000. Notice I use the layer command "Join" (connects all open lines/arcs) and "De-Embed" (determine what is dark or clear per layer).
(5) View results and Export as Gerber...
That's it, the gerber files have been converted.
If you require the gerbers to be outputted differently ACE has many configuration options...
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