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ACE 3000 for Linux

ACE 3000 for Linux
1 Comment

I downloaded the 64 bit version and successfully started in Linux. I also downloaded the Windows version in order to evaluate them in parallel.

What I see is that in the linux version there is not import of DWG, PDF and PostScript files, which is available in the windows version, what is reason of that?
If it is some compilation error could you fix that.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your detailed feedback.

1.  There are two possibilities, if you are receiving "empty data" after  PDF/Postscript import.

(A) Ghostscript Setup:  Ghostscript is a free 3rd party tool, and here's a detailed article I wrote which explains the process of setting up Ghostscript and preparing ACE to convert PDF/Postscript files:

(B) The PDF/Postscript must contain "vector objects" like Text, Circles, Lines, Polygons, etc.  It will not load PDF/Postscript that consists of only "embedded images" (i.e. like screen captures).

Feel free to send me your sample PDF, and I'll be happy to analyze & create a tutorial movie showing exactly how to convert the PDF/Postscript.

2.  DWG is not available on Linux, please use DXF as replacement. The DWG format is essentially the binary version of DXF.

Note:  Autodesk, Inc (the developers of DWG and AutoCAD) does not support Linux platform, thus the library tools we use to parse the DWG are not available on Linux. 

3.  PDF/Postscript import is not available on Linux.  We were unable to get the Ghostscript Library to work correctly on the Linux platform, thus PDF/Postscript is not available on Linux.

Thanks again, and please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
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