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UNICODE TEXT Conversion with ACE

UNICODE TEXT Conversion with ACE
1 Comment

[QUOTE]I have a question for the translation of dxf file to TIFF with ACE3000. 
Once we make it start, it shows failure message or never ends -
It was reported from R&D. I have no chance to check it by myself.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for sending the DXF.ACE 3000 does not support "Unicode" 
characters (ASCII only). On yourDXF, Layer HALF ETCHING, there is text
"0.05T DOT ??".If you remove the characters "??" then the conversion
will run fine. I would suggest the following:
1. If possible use ASCII characters only.
2. If unicode characters are required, explode the text and/or draw the outlines of those
characters using polylines, lines, arcs, or hatch.

I will look into what would be required by us to convert UNICODE
characters, but at this time they are not supported by ACE.

Best regards,

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