[QUOTE]I could use some help to produce an NC Drill file from a PDF.
I am converting an Autocad 2004 PCB drawing to Gerber format for manufacture.
First I plot to a PDF, then use ACE translator 3000 V7 to convert to Gerber format.
I have been successful with the track file, but not the drill file.
To produce the drilling file, I first make a new Autocad drawing with just pads and an outline.
The pad blocks have been replaced with a circle of the required diameter: 0.9mm, 1mm, 3mm and 4mm. I plot it to a PDF called
I ran that through Ace Translater and select 'Flash Round/Donut Shapes', then click the 'Drill' box, and it produces 3 files: F-96OD2PCB Gerber Holes_pdf.dpt (327 Bytes), F-96OD2PCB Gerber Holes_pdf (51 bytes) which Windows describes as a 'DRL' file, and F-96OD2PCB Gerber Holes_pdf (1.97M) which windows describes as a 'GBR' file.
When loading the GBR file back into Ace Translater as a Gerber file, for inspection, I get whast looks like the original PDF with no solid holes. When I load the DRL file I get nothing, which is not surprising considering the tiny file size.
I have repeated this process many times and always get the same result.
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong.[/QUOTE]
Please note, the above link has been updated. Please use the link below.
How to generate NC drill tape files from dxf files?
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