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I cannot convert DWG to Gerber or Gerber to DWG, each time I get the same error message *Unable to Process DWG*

I cannot convert DWG to Gerber or Gerber to DWG, each time I get the same error message *Unable to Process DWG*. I did go to your forum site and found similar issues in which case the fix was to go to the command prompt and type in:
  • cd C:\Program Files\Numerical Innovations\ACE3000V6\bin
  • regsvr32 ActiveConverter.dll

A message stating that the path was invalid appeared so I checked out the path and sure enough the path to the file was C:\Program Files (x86)\Numerical Innovations\ACE3000V6\bin. I made the revision to the above as:
  • cd C:\ Program Files (x86)\Numerical Innovations\ACE3000V6\bin
  • regsvr32 ActiveConverter.dll
but it still did not work. I am running Windows 7 and AutoCAD LT 2010 can you please tell me what the issue is?
1 Comment

The DWG is definitely related to the ActiveConverter.dll running correctly on your system. This tool simply converts DWG to DXF (and vice versa), because in reality ACE 3000 really only works with DXF.    You can try any of the following:

1. Uninstall ACE 3000 and then re-install again. Make sure when installing to first Right-Click over the installation executable and select "Run as Admistrator". ActiveConverter.dll is a Windows ActiveX  file and needs to be registered on your computer to run.

2. If still problems, make sure ActiveConverter.dll is running correctly. There's not really much more advice I can give you from here because I don't have access to your computer... I would just recommend using regsvr32 (you can perform google search for specific examples of using regsvr32 on 63-bit Windows 7.

3.  Use DXF instead of DWG.  So when you save from your AutoCAD 2010 simply save as a DXF instead of DWG; and when you export from ACE 3000 select DXF - which can easily be opened by your AutoCAD.

Note: Another suggestion is to make sure that you are exporting DWG formats AutoCAD 2011 and earlier.

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