If are having any problems with outlines "filling-in" please verify the following common things that can happen during DXF import:
Note: To fill an outline requires a closed & continuous polygon. In DXF, drawing outlines with a closed 0-width polylines work great.
1. Outlines that are constructed of individual lines, arcs, & open polylines need to be joined to form a closed filled
polygon. To do this during DXF import, check the DXF Import Layer Option: "Join" for each metal layer that has outlines that are not filling in; ACE will join those outlines for you.
See Link for example of the DXF Import Layer Options:
Note: Make sure the DXF Import Layer Option: "Fill" is checked for each DXF metal layer.
2. In some cases the constructed outline is not continuous (i.e. endpoints from one line do not correct end at the start of another line - there is a small gap or intersection). In these cases it may be a good idea to clean the drawing in AutoCAD before proceeding with the conversion.
Note: The ACE Viewer also provides Tools to clean-up your designs.
If you still have problems, e-mail us a sample file [email protected] and we'll be happy to provide you with step-by-step instructions.
Numerical Support Team