PCB Preflight uses a revolutionary yet simple approach for building powerful online PCB manufacturing applications. Our goal was to make the API so easy, anyone without web experience could build an interface to PCB Preflight within an hour or less.
Ability to send your CAM files (i.e Gerber, NC Drill/Rout, ODB++, DXF, IPC-2581, Netlist) along with an optional Matrix file (*.fm6) in a single zip file. We call this type of zipped file a Matrix Blob.
Wait for PCB Preflight API to finish, and parse the resulting JSON file.
Simon Garrison
PCB Preflight uses a revolutionary yet simple approach for building powerful online PCB manufacturing applications. Our goal was to make the API so easy, anyone without web experience could build an interface to PCB Preflight within an hour or less.
Only 2 Steps to Start using PCB Preflight API: